6. The projectiles can ricochet infinitely before dissipating. 1. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. Healing an ally grants them 2 life recovery for 10 seconds. 5. The Life and Death is a Hardmode Healer spell and radiant weapon that has a chance to be dropped by the Moon Lord. The Healer class is most. It is one of the four scythes needed to craft Blood Harvest, the ultimate pre-hardmode scythe for Crimson worlds. Like all healing items, it cannot receive a Modifier. 3. For a sortable list of every weapon in the game, see List of weapons. The Twilight Staff is a craftable Hardmode Healer spell and radiant weapon. 0: Buffed knockback from 6 to 6. 7: Now used to craft Omen, Dark Contagion, and Whispering Dagger. It consists of a Dream Weaver's Tabard and Dream Weaver's Treads as well. This weapon's life stealing ability counts towards a heal streak. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. 1. As the name suggests, the Healer class aims at providing health to allies, and functions as a support role in a multiplayer setting. What is Fandom?. New Weapons come in a variety of all shapes and sizes, filling up many niches and exploring. All accessories can be reforged to receive this modifier, in addition to any modifier from vanilla Terraria. 5. 5. Upon striking an enemy, the user will gain 1 stack of Soul Essence. 6. Only allied players can be healed. 3-5. It acts like a spear, thrusting forward to damage enemies. 6. 0. 1. Holy Knight's Alloy is a crafting material. Item (Quantity) Rate. Medical Bag: Incredible item, one of the rare strong items in the healer class which in my opinion can be a bit underpowered. The Healer, a special multiplayer-focused class, supports allies with gear that can heal and buff, whilst still being able to dish out damage when in a pickle. Rate. 6. 0. Healer Accessories. When used, the ally. When swung, it releases a burst of light in front the player, damaging nearby enemies. 8: Sprite updated. Like all healing items, it benefits from any additional healing effects and cannot receive a. The user will lose mana each time a new heart is produced, and the hearts will disappear after a minute or if more than 10 hearts are produced. The Terra Scythe is a Hardmode radiant weapon. 0. The Giga Needle is a craftable Healer item that functions identically to a spear, but heals players it hits instead of damaging enemies. 4. 3. The Healer class aims at providing health to allies, and functions as a support role in a multiplayer setting. Syringes are also used as ammunition by the Lethal Injection, and can therefore be stored in the player's ammunition slots. 4 Port Update),. If the Show Donator Item Color configuration option is disabled, the Life Quartz Claymore will have. Weapons. 5. 0. It is one of the few entities that can be. 4: Removed Bleeding from the list of cured debuffs. It is dropped by Paladins in the post- Plantera Dungeon . 100%. The Ice Shaver is a craftable radiant weapon. 0: Introduced. 5. It takes a total of 3 of each Primordial Essence to craft a single full suit, or 4 of each if you want to craft one of each headpiece. It has a chance to inflict the On Fire! debuff. The Aquaite Scythe is a craftable radiant weapon. 5. 7: Introduced. Like all healing items, they benefit from any. The Effuser is a craftable Hardmode radiant weapon. The primary way to increase radiant damage is through healer armors, but there exist ulterior ways to increase it as well (Glowing Potion, Dark Intent, etc. It has a chance to inflict the Poisoned debuff. Entity. The Digester is a Pre-Hardmode radiant weapon that can be found in Rich Mahogany Chests and Ivy Chests within the Underground Jungle. The Cure is a craftable Support Spell that can be used to instantly remove most damage inflicting debuffs from a single ally under your cursor and grants the player 2 Life Recovery. Five Unholy Shards can be sacrificed at a Blood Altar to summon the Viscount. In addition to this, the mod adds a. If the player's radiant powers are corrupted, the left-click's burst of light will become an. It swings out a nasty mace in an inaccurate fashion, which can extend up to 12 tiles before returning and damages and pierces enemies. The Good Book. Paladin. The Palm Cross is a craftable radiant weapon. The Bountiful Harvest is a craftable radiant weapon. 1. Quantity. The Life Quartz Claymore is a craftable radiant weapon. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. The Rotten Cod is a radiant weapon that can be obtained rarely from fishing in the Corruption or Underground Corruption. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. The first successful strike in an attack releases a lingering energy particle that heals players it. Gauzes are consumable Healer items that can be used to instantly heal the life of an ally directly in front of the player. Like all healing items, they benefit from any additional healing effects and cannot receive a Modifier. 1. In addition to being crafted, they are sold by the Spiritualist. 0: Decreased. Overview. It acts like a broadsword, swinging overhead, and recovers minimal amounts of life to the wielder upon striking enemies. The Coral Purifier is a craftable Healer spell that shoots a pink healing pulse. Weapon modifiers Symphonic. 3. It creates a burst of light directly in front of the wielder, damaging enemies in a small area of effect. The Thorium Mod adds 12 new weapon modifiers and 2 new accessory modifiers. Prydwen, also known as Wynebgwrthucher, refers to a mythological shield possessed by King Arthur. On use, a heart will drop from the caster's head every half-second, which will heal the caster or their allies when touched. 6. The Crimson Scythe is a craftable radiant weapon. Melee weapons • Ranged weapons • Magic weapons • Summon weapons • Thrown weapons • Radiant weapons • Symphonic weapons • True Damage weapons Melee Weapons. The Crimson. It rapidly swings out an effusing mace in an inaccurate fashion, which can extend up to 22 tiles before returning and damages and pierces enemies. The Healer class aims at providing health to allies, and functions as a support role in a multiplayer setting. If the player's radiant powers are corrupted, the weapon's burst of light will become purple in color and will apply. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. It casts a green healing pulse that travels for about 37 tiles before dissipating and heals up to two allies. 5. 1. It shoots a flame pulse in a slightly inaccurate manner, which travels for about 41 tiles and greatly heals allies. 5. When swung using right-click, it shoots an additional spray of three short-ranged poison cloud projectiles and receives added autoswing at the cost of mana. 0: Knockback increased from 4 to 6. Along with the healer class's new healing abilities, a new damage type has been created specifically for them known as Radiant Damage. Upon hitting an enemy, the ooze will stick to it, causing the player and their allies' attacks to restore 10% (rounded up) of the damage. Upon striking an enemy, the user will gain 1 stack of. In fact,. 1. Upon striking an enemy, the user will gain 1 stack of Soul Essence. Up to. . Right-clicking will use 35 mana to generate a barrier of 4 rotating hammers that orbit the player, repelling enemies. It deals twice as much damage against most undead enemies and inflicts the Singed debuff. Although the Bard buffs themselves when fighting, a larger benefit can be found through teamwork; empowerments are also given to friendly. The tendrils also inflict the Shadowflame debuff onto hit enemies. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. The Templar's Judgement is a craftable radiant weapon. Right-clicking with the weapon will instead throw the scythe like a boomerang, which can travel a total distance of about 29 tiles before returning and pierces multiple. 100%. The Thorium Mod heavily expands on the number of options available for the four vanilla classes – Melee, Ranged, Magic, and Summon. 0. The Healer class is most useful when playing. Syringes are consumable Healer items that can be thrown at allies to heal them, similarly to how the Nurse heals town NPCs. Upon striking an enemy, the user will gain 1. 1. When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies. If the player's radiant powers. 0: Buffed mana cost from 8 to 5 and velocity from 9. The Bard is a class added by the Thorium Mod as of version 1. 2. The Mind Melter is a craftable Hardmode radiant weapon. Defeating Patch Werk is required for the Confused Zombie NPC to spawn. It is one of the four scythes needed to craft Falling Twilight or Blood Harvest,. 6. 1. It rapidly shoots bursts of miniature shadow tendrils at the cost of life, which quickly follow the cursor and damage enemies they contact as many times as they can before disappearing after about a second. 1. It is currently the best healer set available. The Sunray Staff is a Hardmode Healer spell that is dropped by Le Fantômes during the Solar Eclipse event. ) Some of the. 4. 7 (Terraria 1. 5. It cures all of the following debuffs: Like all healing items, it cannot receive a Modifier. With a mana flower you can heal your ally at amazing speeds as well as yourself. However, it also briefly applies the Singed debuff to allies it heals. Nearby allies will. 0: Sprite updated. Like all healing items, it benefits from any additional healing effects and cannot receive a Modifier. The first successful strike in an attack releases two to seven lingering mist particles that heal players they touch equal to the attacking player's bonus healing. Healer; 3 Bosses; Explore properties. One of the significant additions by the Thorium Mod is the new class added: the Healer class. 2. The Falling Twilight is a craftable radiant weapon. The Bat Scythe is a radiant weapon that is dropped by the Viscount. The Recovery Wand is a Healer spell that can be found in Wooden Chests on the surface. 1. Like all healing items, it benefits from any additional. Although it is later game, I would say it is the best mana using ally healing item pre-hardmode. When the caster and healed ally are both Out of Combat, the base heal amount is tripled. 90 Share Save 6. It shoots a slow-moving orb of energy that has a different effect depending on the key pressed. All weapons which deal symphonic damage can be reforged with these modifiers. 0: Recipe updated. Upon directly striking an enemy, the user will gain 2 stacks of Soul Essence. 6. The Prydwen is a Hardmode Healer accessory that increases defense by 2, as well as reducing the amount of knockback you take and recovering 5 life to the wearer whenever they successfully use a non-radiant healing spell on an allied player. These fragments each deal 10 damage and do not pierce through enemies. Like all healing items, it benefits from any additional healing effects and cannot receive a Modifier. Only allied players can be healed, as NPCs do not receive the healing effect.